Wednesday, December 17, 2014

It Works Global Distributor Kit | Unboxing

Hey Guys!

If you haven't been following along on my FaceBook Page ( Linked Here ), you may not have caught that i have also been adding these crazy little wrap things to my work out regime.

I actually was a distributor for the company about a year ago, and fell in love with the product, but due to logistics, i decided that it wasn't the right time for me to be actively working the business.

Fast forward a year, i am working out every day - however... I have to admit to a bit of a microwave mentality, and i have been finding a bit frustrating that i am working hard, yet... the results aren't coming fast enough.

With that said, i decided this would be the PERFECT time, to start using my wraps again, AND start back with their amazing distributor program !

I won't make this post too long, as i think i covered most points in the video! But, don't worry, there will be lots more about this bad boy in the future!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Team BeachBody Coaching Kit | Unboxing

Hey Y'all,

As you may know i am a coach with the AMAZING company BeachBody !

I recently did a video of unboxing the coaching kit that gets sent to you when you initially sign up as a coach !

Check it out! And if you are wanting to join MY Team, you can sign up to do so at,

Monday, December 15, 2014

No Shakes, No Wraps, No Pills | Fit Shaming

Today i wanted to talk about something that has been bothering me for a while now. 

I feel like as a society, we’ve gotten ourself into this habit of constantly shaming others. And in the health and wellness/ fitness / nutrition community… I kinda like to call it  “ fit shaming “- which personally i feel is a direct by product of body shaming. 

I constantly see things on instagram like “ no shakes, no wraps, no pills “, amongst a lot of other hate- and it just makes see that people are starting to treat fitness like a religions cult. Instead of sharing their knowledge and what is working for them. 

I’ll tell you a little story, one thing i have learned about myself this past year.. Is that i am an EXTREMELY kinesthetic learner… I mainly learn things by actually doing them with my hands, and with that said- I honestly used to think i wasn’t as smart as my peers. I knew that i could pick something up and be great at it.. aka, i am a good hairstylist, make up artist, artist, etc.  But that being said, when growing up , and in school i didn’t get the same result as some of my peers did, because simply i learn a different way than most of them.

( Follow me on insagram: nicolefionafit)

And i feel that that is totally relatable to your fitness journey, some people HAVE to do things differently than you do, but that doesn’t mean that they are doing it wrong. 

I mean, when did YOUR way, become better than MY way. I am all for learning and understanding and making wise decisions for my life, and my body, which I’m gonna take a second to remind you that my body is very different from your body… So why do people praise the way that you do things… and put others down saying that their way is wrong. 

I mean… Would you say to someone after they have just gone through labor … NO EPIDURAL, NO PAIN MEDS, No screaming 

Or would you say to a girl, No foundation, no mascara, no blush

Or someone who is struggling in school.. No tutor, no studying, no extra credit help 

Telling people that they’re doing things wrong, and that their way is disgusting is imposing YOUR beliefs on them, and thats not cool. 

I have come to learn, the best way of doing things, is the one that you can stick to. 

And everyone’s situation is different, if its extreme weight issues you are having, food addiction, loose skin after pregnancy, you name it - this is why you can’t always stick a round peg into a square hole. 

So experiment, there are tons of products, and plans out there ! See what works for YOU. Your body is smarter than you know, and you will know if something isn’t working for you !

We are all on the same journey to taking a better, and healthier lifestyle…So why knock each other down. Maybe instead of throwing shade, appreciate the fact that people are acknowledging the obesity epidemic that we are living in, and be grateful for that… and realize we are all on the same team, even though we may be taking different strategies to get to our end goal. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Why I Became A Beach Body Coach... & Why You Should Too !!

Hey Guys!

I put together a little video for you that explains the top 3 reasons on why i became a Beach Body Coach, and why i think anyone else can do it too !

I have been having a BLAST so far as a Beach Body Coach! I can't wait to see what the future has in store!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

PiYO Review !

As some of you may have read, i recently tried the at home work out PiYO from Beach Body.

The trainer Chalene Johnson put together a all new work out based on some of the elements from Pilates, and Yoga.  I am a total YOGA junkie, however Pilates is something that i have never excelled at, so i was a bit hesitant. But due to an injury, i was needing a low impact work out, that would get me back into enough shape, and flexibility so i could function! 

Anyways, PiYO is a 2 month program- in which you don’t need any required equipment because you are basically using your own body weight as weights ( which for me, thats enough weight to start off with lol ) … Although, i do recommend some type of yoga mat…A cheap one will work ( i personally have a higher end one cause my feet sweat…. a lot, sexy — i know ;) ). 

So far, the ‘DRENCH’ work outs are my favourite…and i have lost 10 lbs so far. Unfortunately, i don’t feel that successful because that 10 lbs only got me back to my regular weight because since i injured my back… i happened to blow up, quite large. 

Now that i have gotten through most of this work out, i have decided i will probably run through it one more time to strengthen up a bit more, and then maybe move on to something a little bit more challenging. With that said, PiYo is a GREAT work out for people who are just beginning to work out, or are crippled like me - and need something that more low impact ! 

Have you tried out PiYO? What’s your favourite section out of the work out ? 

Friday, November 14, 2014

World Diabetes Day !

Second blog post of the day, the last one was brought to you by ‘gratitude’ - however this one is brought to you by Diabetes.

For those of you who don’t know, today is World Diabetes Day. Which is a harsh reality, that every 6 seconds someone dies.


While the number of people who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is on the up, over 70%… YES, SEVENTY PERCENT of these cases are preventable, by eating healthy, fresh, nutritious food - AS WELL, as getting active! 

Diabetes is something that has plagued my family ( on both bloodlines ), and for a while.. i used to say “ i’ll most likely get diabetes, I’m genetically plagued” lol ( until my mom put me in my place…*thanks mom* 

But, in all seriousness - Let’s help raise the awareness of this disease, so we can slow down the increasing number who are affected by it world wide !!

If you don’t know WHAT diabetes is, or you don’t really know the basics about it.. I found this SUPER simple, SUPER dumbed down, SUPER SHORT… KIDS version of the important stuff you need to know about diabetes. 

Do you have diabetes or know someone who has diabetes? I would love to find some more diabetic recipes / food options, leave a comment if you have any suggestions for me. 

Over 100 "Likes" in 24 Hours !! THANK YOU !

Last night, i finally took the plunge in doing something that i have been wanting to do for a long time now... But, i have to admit to you, it's taken me a while to get to a place of being humble enough to share my story, reach out, and ask for help when needed. 

For those of you reading this post, i wanted to say THANK YOU, for supporting me and choosing to hit that LIKE button to follow along with me on my journey to happy, and healthier lifestyle ( WOO... that was a mouthful / a massive run on sentence lol )

Considering that my background isn't in fitness or health and nutrition... I was very apprehensive for a long time on putting myself out there, but i am so relieved and grateful that there has been such an overwhelming response! 

Although it's crazy to me how many people choose NOT to do the simple task of supporting others (ex. Facebook fan pages, Subscriptions, Likes, Comments, Words of encouragement, etc). Especially when it's 100% FREE, i wanted to take the time to say, " THANK YOU " to those who did. 

Thank YOU! 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

3 Hour Diet App !

The 3 hour diet was something that exploded about 3-4 years ago. 

And, although a lot of people put it to the test… Some people were saying that it worked… some people were saying it didn’t and wasn’t necessary. 

With that said… A few years ago i got an app ( FREE ) on my phone, called “ 3 Hour Diet Reminder Life”. And, although i don’t apply the specifics of that diet to my lifestyle. 

I still however do use the app. Let me tell you why. 

I am the type of person, that can go from 0  - HANGRY… in about 5 minutes within feeling the emotion of hunger. And, basically when i use this app, and keep having little snacks / meals through out the day… I find i never let myself get into that feeling of SUPER starving! 

Because i find thats when i end up eating the WORST, and the MOST! 

So basically how the app works, is you hit the alarm button to let it know that you have ate… and then it sets a timer for 3 hours from that current moment in time. 

Then when the buzzer goes off, you eat again. 

There are 5 cycles of this, representing 5 small meals a day. I often find when the buzzer goes off i am not that hungry, but… i kind of like that, because i have a smaller snack ( aka a piece of fruit ) and a glass of water. 

I just found that this has been useful for me, and i thought i would share… And i definitely think you should try it out to if you are someone who gets ridiculously hangry ! LOL i find that it has been in the best benefit for me, and those around me!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Shakeology... How i start my day.

I have been ordering Shakeology for a few months now, however- it’s really only within the last 2-3 weeks that i have been drinking it on the regular. 

When i first placed my order, i got a bunch of different recipes that i could try, to kinda jazz it the regular taste of it up. 

And, to be honest. I should have just tried the Shakeology on its own. Because, i found that it was WAY tastier on it’s own.. .than it was when i kept on adding more to it. 

Anyways, it’s only as of… well, just before i wrote this blog post, that i really knew or understood, what, and how much, and HOW good- Shakeology is for you. 

Now, i know a lot of people bang on about the drinks that they are drinking. 

But, truthfully… I have tried a few other shakes ( from companies that will remain nameless ), and they were just god awful. 

And, i am the type of person… that if it taste nasty, you can bet its gonna sit in the pantry, until i can pan it off one someone who is in need/ too poor/ a student… or someone who is lacking tastebuds. 

Anyways after that little ramble… I thought i would tell you what i all i found out about Shakeology ! 
  • 140 Calories
  • 70 Super Ingredients
  • 100% Natural
  • Helps you lose weight
  • Helps lower your cholesterol 
  • lower blood sugar
  • and keep you full

Now, i didn’t have any issues with some of the things listed above… However, i can 100 Vouch for the fact that i am kept full by drinking this!

I also found a super useful chart of what, and how Shakeology compares to others products. 

This is an area, I’m usually super unfamiliar with… Because, i just never really know what i am looking for, or whats good or not good when i look at the ingredients in certain weightless/ protein shakes or drinks.

Have you tried Shakeology? What's your favorite flavor / Combo?

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My Fitness Pal App

I know there can be a lot of controversy between those who count calories, and those who feel that if you just eat the right things, there is no need to count.

I kinda agree with both points, because i feel you can be a little bit more carefree when you are putting in the right things into your mouth, therefore you don't really need to 'count'. If that even makes sense.

BUT, on the flip side of things, i never really learned HOW horrible of things i was putting into my body, until i started counting.

I guess i just find counting makes you a little bit more aware, and it's easy to see how quickly things can add up!

Anyways- after that little ramble, i thought i would talk about the app that i mainly use to count my calories, aka -- make better choices when i'm out at a restaurant.

I typically use My Fitness Pal , if you are unfamiliar with the app, i will break it down for ya.

It's a free calorie counting, and weight management program.

You can use your computer, or from your mobile device, and its super fast and easy.

It makes a daily log of your food intake for the day, and tells you how many calories each item it is.

One of the things that i love most about this app, is that ... there is almost EVERYTHING in it! Even like particular restaurants/ fast food joints and brand names.

You can also scan your food by the bar code, if you are having difficulty finding it by name.

The app also remembers previous entries, which makes it super efficient and quick to use.

Along side the food aspect of the app, it also gives you a way to log your daily exercise!

I think this is a great app.... especially, since its FREE!

Have you tried this app before? If not- do you use a different one? I would love to try others !

Monday, November 10, 2014

Back To The Basics... AKA Let's Talk about Water + Lemon

My mom has been telling me for years to start my day off with some hot water and lemon. And, although i knew there was probably be a lot of benefit to it... Basically cause my mom is a health freak, and i know she wouldn't steer me wrong. 

But i never really fully knew the benefits to drinking lemon water, and drinking lemon water first thing before you eat anything else. 

However, this morning, i realized i was out of milk, so i couldn't have my regular tea or coffee. BUT, i had a lemon, so although this isn't something that is new to me, i thought why not actually find out WHY this is good for me. 

So, here is what i learned:

-Even though lemons are acidic, they are alkaline in your body

-Kick starts the digestive system ( this is why its good to drink it before you eat anything in the morning )
- It keeps skin clear
- Gives you  an energy boost
- Detoxifies your body
- Speeds up your metabolism

Now, i like to sip on lemon water through out the day.. However, remember that since lemons are acidic that isn't the best for your teeth, so you may not want to over do it!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

4 Ingriedient Pancakes !!

Good Afternoon! 

I don't know about you... But, I LOVE BRUNCH... especially on a Sunday morning. But, be it that i am trying to adapt a healthier lifestyle.... I'm definitely trying to make better choices when it comes to my nutrition. 

Anyways, a few months ago, i had headed to California for one of my girlfriends wedding - and she normally eats healthy, but also considering it was a few days before her wedding... I knew that she would be making awesome food choices. 

So one morning that i was there, she made me these banana pancakes... And, although i enjoyed them... I didn't even think of asking her how to make them, what was in them, or really what the deal was. 

I went on the hunt for the recipe this morning, and i found out that it was the easiest thing ever. Now, i am gonna say.. although the ingredients are limited in this... I don't think this is something you can make in a rush... Because, you have to cook it a on low heat... And they are kinda a pain to flip... BUT... I defo think it was worth it! 

So this is what you will need! 

- 2 Eggs

- 1 Banana
- Shake of Cinnamon
- Shake of Nutmeg 


As i previously mentioned, they are kinda a pain to flip, so you will need pam or some type of non stick spray. But, seriously these are amazing. 

I had seen someone make coconut whipped cream, and throw on these bad boys.. BUT... haha maybe i will save that for when i have company and wanna jazz these up a bit. 

Have you tried these banana pancakes before? Do you have any other healthy ( but tasty ) breakfast options i should try? 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Your Tea - Tiny Tea Hoopla!

Like SOOOOOOO many others, Instagram sent out its hook, and reeled me in with yet another product.

This time, it was the product by the company " Your Tea " - and it was there Tiny Tea -Tea Tox.

As per the website this is what the product claims to do:

My intricately balanced herbal blend will nourish and cleanse your digestive system, providing it the support it needs to replenish and restore back to its natural state. This cleanse will assist with reducing weight, easing bloating, increasing digestion functionality, improving skin clarity, increasing energy levels and alleviate issues associated with food intolerances. Formulated with Chinese medicine herbs and based upon Chinese medicinal principles, TinyTea is the only herbal cleanse on the market that does not produce a laxative effect. TinyTea has been created by qualified Chinese Medicine practitioners with considerable years of experience. I contain 84 teabags per box. Each teabag weighs 2.5g.
* contains gluten


I'm the type of person that will really try anything, as long as it isn't going to harm me. But with that said... This tea was a pretty steep price ($55.00 - plus shipping ) for a 28 day detox, that i thought... With that price, and how many people said it worked... They can't all be lying... They can't all be exaggerating, especially with all this hype.

Here are a few photos from their instagram that loured me in !

Anyways, let me get down to telling you my experience with this product.

I'm going to give you the 'coles notes version' because, truthfully.... It wasn't very good.

- It taste quite gross
- You have to steep the tea for way longer than they recommend to get any flavor... which makes me feel as if the tea is stale/old
- Flat out, i saw no difference what so ever
- I did not feel any more energized
Once again, if it SOUNDS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE, it usually is. That being said, i don't think that everyone who has written, your YouTubed a positive review on this company, was lying. HOWEVER, it definitely did not do anything for me.

That being said, i will still try products... but it's really hitting home that... The only guarantee of anything helping you in your weight loss, fitness, healthy journey... Is getting your butt moving !!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

It's That Time Again || Transformation Tuesday!

Hey Y'all,

So- i am so upbeat about this weeks post.

1. Because i am finally back on track. This summer i had got to a point where i was doing well, eating well, working out... and then i totally lost my footing, and fell of the bandwagon. That being said, i know that i still have a long way to go. BUT, i am finally back at the weight that i was at this summer, and am working towards further improvements.

Anyways, this week i have mainly been doing 3 things. Keeping busy, drinking tons of water, and making better meal choices.

I did skip out on a few work outs, due to the fact that i was sanding, painting, and renting my house. But, i think because i kept busy and moving, that really helped a lot!

Also, i have to admit... The days where i MISSED doing my PiYO work outs my arthritis ended up flaring up... So, i am now motivated to work out for the weight loss obviously, but also for the mobility factors!

So- now that i am back on track, i am happy to say i will have a Transformation Tuesday VIDEO up next week.. And i am so stoked and excited to show you all what i have been doing !

Saturday, November 1, 2014


So, i have a little confession to make... i totally got suckered into the Garcinia Cambogia craze.
Now- in my defence, i didn't actually pay for it... I just paid $5 for the shipping... But, none the less.

I feel like i got suckered. Although it shouldn't be much of a surprise, because usually when things SOUND to good to be true... They usually are, i just figured that it would be worth the shot because it was 1. free and 2. i had seen quite a few people on Youtube review it- and say that they had lost weight.

Maybe my judgement on the fact that i didn't think any of these people were professional actors, and what were they gaining about lying about a product that works or not.

Anyways- the instructions says to take a pill 45 minutes before eating, and then drink 1 cup of water. Well, i did this every day... And, i can firmly say, i didn't feel AMAZING like people reported... and i couldn't report any weight loss.

Anyways, conveniently enough, i saw on FaceBook, that Beach Body's Melissa McAllister posted about the little green pill saying " save your money, garcinia cambogia wont make you skinny, and more importantly, healthy !! It will come and go just like alli did a few years back ! I'll let you in on a little secret... It's the diet and exercise during the test group that gave people results they had... Not the pill :) "

Anyways, i don't know for sure if what she is saying is true... BUT, i can say from my personal experience, that this was a big waste of ... 5 bucks lol.

Have you ever got suckered into a diet scam ?? If so- which one ?

Monday, October 27, 2014

1 Week Down!

So it's been one week since i have been participating in the BeachBody PiYO Challenge.

And, i have to tell you... i'm already feeling so much better about things. Now, that's not because i have had any drastic change just yet.

But, because i am already feeling sooooooooooo much stronger... and after a few first days of super bad pain from the arthritis in my back. I feel like there may be a potentially be a light at the end of the tunnel.

I will start my #transformationtuesday videos again next week. i just haven't been doing them recently because... well there has been no change .. so whats the point?

Anyways, that's that - we shall chat soon!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

It's Been A Minute, But - I'm Back

I totally fell off the bandwagon this summer- and my body is really starting to show it... Between all the summer festivals, parties, and simple just being a social butterfly. I found it really hard to stay on track as per my diet, and especially as per working out.

Another issue, is i started having severe back issues in july, and that really had things come to a screeching halt... Because there are some days i find it difficult to walk.

That being said, now that.... I'm starting to blow u like a blimp, i have no choice but to push through the pain.

With that, i have to say that PiYo has been the BEST choice for me to get back on track with since it is a low impact work out- i feel like i am doing something but my back isn't crippling me beyond the point of return.

Anyway, i thought i would drop a quick line here saying that i am BACK and ready to attack (LOL).
And i will not fail this time around... Especially as i have joined a challenge group this time to help hold me accountable!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Feeling Discouraged... But have to keep on moving !

As you may, or may not have noticed... I have been a little bit MIA... Not only from my blog, but from staying committed to my weightloss / fitness journey.

That being said... When i saw this picture this morning, i really felt as if it was speaking to me.

Be it that summer has been winding down... tons of festivals, and a little vacation...Any progress that i did have... went right out the window.

I took a little holiday to Santa Barbara, California.. ( you can watch the vlog of the trip here, here, and here =)  ).

And i totally fell off the wagon, mainly in the fact i did quite a bit of boozing. ( whoopsies).

Anyways... I am starting a no spend month... Which will help keep me on track with my dieting and working out... Since i wont be spending money on anything else !

Here's to me staying on track this month... Thanks for sticking with me !

Monday, August 11, 2014

Motivational Monday: Brittany Renner

If you are an Instagram Junkie like i am, then you may have very well come across this next person that i have been constantly creeping and checking out her IG for daily inspiration. 

Not only does Brittany have a body to die for, i love how she preaches, and manages to keep her curves as well as being fit.

I find so many people that get glorified on social media sites tend to be, almost not even realistic looking any more. Although, Brittany's Body is INSANE, I love that her curves still represent the regular day woman ! 

Who are some of your favorite Fitness accounts to follow on Instagram... I would love to follow them too !!

Mango Salsa Recipe ! Must Try!

Hey Loves ! 

I recently made a Mango Salsa, courtesy of the lovely recipe on the Beach Body website! 

And, once again... I am totally blown away at how great it tasted... So, naturally, i am going to share it with you... We are in this together right. 

I tried this out with just some pita chips, and then i threw it on top of some fish and wild rice and it was amazing !!!

I put together a quick little video of how i whipped up this salsa, if video is more your thing, rather than looking at a recipe... You can watch that here! 

Enjoy, and do let me know if you try out this recipe as well!!

Mango Salsa

Mango Salsa

Total Time: 45 min.
Prep Time: 15 min.
Cooking Time: None
Yield: 4 servings, about 1/3 cup each
1 medium mango, peeled, finely chopped
½ medium red bell pepper, finely chopped
1/3 medium red onion, finely chopped
3 fresh cilantro sprigs, finely chopped
1 tsp. crushed red chili pepper (optional)
2 Tbsp. rice wine vinegar
1. Combine mango, bell pepper, onion, cilantro, pepper (if desired), and vinegar in a medium bowl; mix well.
2. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to blend flavors.
Nutritional Information (per serving):
Calories: 42
Fat: 0 g
Saturated Fat: 0 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 2 mg
Carbohydrate: 10 g
Fiber: 1 g
Sugar: 8 g
Protein: 1 g

P90X/P90X2 Portions (per serving)
½ fruit

Body Beast Portions (per serving)
1 fruit

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Grilled Peach Panzanella Recipe !

Hey Guys !

So this past wednesday i decided to try out some of the awesome recipes that are listed on the beach body website.

And man on man, did i hit gold with the very first recipe ( HOPEFULLY THEY ARE ALL THIS TASTY! )

I thought i would take the time to share this recipe with you... I will have everything you need listed below. However, i also filmed a little video in my kitchen of me making it !

Enjoy the recipe, and enjoy the video !!

Grilled Peach Panzanella

Total Time: 11 min.
Prep Time: 5 min.
Cooking Time: 6 min.
Yield: 4 servings
1½ cups halved cherry tomatoes
1 medium shallot, thinly sliced
2 Tbsp. + 1 tsp. olive oil, divided use
1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
3 slices whole-grain bread
3 ripe medium peaches, cut in half, pits removed
¼ cup fresh basil leaves, chopped
1. Preheat grill to high.
2. Combine tomatoes, shallot, 2 tbsp. oil, vinegar, salt (if desired), and pepper (if desired); whisk to blend. Set aside.
3. Toast bread on grill for about 2 to 3 minutes on each side, or until browned. Cool; tear into bite-sized pieces. Place in a medium serving bowl. Set aside.
4. Brush cut side of peaches evenly with remaining 1 tsp. oil. Place cut side down on grill. Cook for about 2 to 3 minutes, or until just charred but still firm. Remove from heat. Cool; slice into bite-sized pieces.
5. Add tomato mixture, peaches, and basil to bread; toss gently to blend.
6. Serve immediately.
Nutritional Information (per serving):
Calories: 187
Fat: 9 g
Saturated Fat: 1 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 75 mg
Carbohydrate: 25 g
Fiber: 5 g
Sugar: 11 g
Protein: 5 g

P90X/P90X2 Portions (per serving)
½ carb/grain
1 fruit

Body Beast Portions (per serving)
1 starch
1½ fruit

Thursday, August 7, 2014

What I Ate Wednesday #3

Hey Guys!

I am pretty proud of some of my creations today ! Although they weren't fully my own- i will take credit in the fact that i made it myself..

I got the recipe for my dinner from the Beach Body website! And i am so excited to share it with you soon !

But, will have to wait for another day... In the meanwhile, check out this week's video of "What I Ate Wednesday"!

                                     Breakfast... Please excuse the crazy hair / crazy face.

I could get used to drinking this every day for breakfast! 

My masterpiece... I mean COME ON... Look at it! Recipe coming soon!

                               I cannot, not have desert. lol. It's my biggest weakness !!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

No Transformation Tuesday... But....

Woopsies... So, I dropped the ball... AGAIN.

To be honest, my boyfriend and I went away for the weekend.. And my diet had a vacation as well... And i ended up putting ON weight... Which sucked..

But totally expected! Anyways... I thought i would share with you some new things that i am adding to my life!

Check out the video to see what they are !

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

1st Morning Smoothie, heading in the right direction

Good Morning!

As i sit here writing this i can feel the grumbly in my tumbley, lol.

And i am reminiscing on the smoothie i had yesterday for breakfast.

I know i had said in my transformation tuesday video that things will get better.
But clearly i lied. I am finding it SO hard to stay on track when my boyfriend is home from work...

And, he is genetically blessed with a 6 Pack year round, whilst being able to eat what he wants.

Anyways- I thought i would share with you what i threw in this smoothie yesterday, and kinda hoping that me recounting it- i can duplicate it today!

- 1 Peach
- 1 Cup Coconut Water
- 1/4 Cucumber
- 1 Carrot
- 1 Pineapple Ring
- Slice of Ginger
- Handful Of Strawberries
- 1 Lime

What are some of your favourite smoothie recipes ?

Sunday, August 3, 2014

#BattleOfTheBulge - Week 1

Hey Y'all

Ugh- I have been putting off this post for a while now. Because week 1 went HORRIBLE!

I honestly don't even have much to say about it... Just check out the video, and pray that next week will be better !

Saturday, August 2, 2014

What I Ate Wednesday #2

Hey Guys!

I know this post is coming a few days behind, but hey what can i say? Life caught up with me !

Anyways- I'll be the first to admit that consistency can sometimes be one of my biggest downfalls, and that being said, with the heat that has been raging over my city - and lack of consistency, i just did not have my shiz together when it came with meal planning.

I didn't have breakfast this day.

Bad i know.

I had 2 pieces of crazy bread for lunch - its getting worse i know.

And then last but not least, i made a pesto and just had it with some flat bread, and snacked on a few cherries.
( make sure you follow me on instagram)

 I know ( or what i hear) the worst thing one can do is not eat when they are trying to shed some weight.

Anyways- i did film a quick little video of what i was at throughout the day! You can check it out down below !

I promise i will get better at this guys !

Thursday, July 24, 2014

What I Ate Wednesday #1

Well, this was definitely an experience.

I will start off by saying.... I know this wasn't the most health conscious meal(s).

But- I'm working at it! I think i found some great healthy recipes resources to tackle!

Once again... Bare with me !

Coconut Chai Tea, and a Green Smoothie

An... Interesting.... Concoction that my mom prepared for me.... 
I honestly do not have words. lol

Basil, Garlic, Feta Pasta

Pineapples ! 

I did film a quick little video that was more detailed about the things that i ate this wednesday...
Check it out!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

#BattleOfTheBulge - A Series....

After i wrote my first blog post yesterday, i got out the camera, and shot a little video for you.

Well, for you, and for me to help keep me accountable ! In this video i go over, my weight, my weight loss,  what weight loss programs i may or may not partake i, and i even have some before video of my before  ( CAUTION: it isn't pretty lol )

Anyways- check it out so you can get a more in depth look into what i am getting myself into!

We will see you tmrw with my " What I Ate Wednesday " posts !

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Starting Line

Hello !

And welcome to my new blog!

I decided to start documenting my fitness / weight loss journey... As it has been a path i have traveled down NUMEROUS of times... And, maybe the extra support, consistency of blogging, and accountability will help me stay on track this time around.

Now, i know that no one else can do this for me but me ! But hey- MAY as well try and make this as fun as i can right !

So, stay tuned, as i will be updating this blog a few times a week with the following updates:

Transformation Tuesday: ' Weigh - In Day " I will check in with my weight, measurements, and any changes that i have been experiencing!

What I Ate Wednesday: I will give you a detailed run down of what i ate that day... I am that notorious person to instagram my food- so although i am SURE i will be keeping you up to date with what i am eating... I doubt i will give you a full instagram run down of my each meal everyday, lol. So this will be a good day to touch base and see what my daily meals are like.

Battle of the Bulge: Weekly Vlog - This will be my weekly rambles, challenges, struggles, and high moments ! And maybe some of those after work out, gruesome, sweaty really attractive moments to be on camera !

I will also keep you up to date with what work outs im doing, new gyms, or programs i am participating in ! As well as diet... Those wont have a scheduled day to be posted, you will just have to stay tuned !

Anyways, i hope you are still with me, and i haven't rambled on too much ! Thanks for joining me on my journey and we will chit chat soon !
